Friday 21 September 2012


मुरली सार:- ''मीठे बच्चे - तुम आपस में भाई-भाई हो, तुम्हें रूहानी स्नेह से रहना है, सुखदाई बन सबको सुख देना है, गुणग्राही बनना है''
प्रश्न: आपस में रूहानी प्यार न होने का कारण क्या है? रूहानी प्यार कैसे होगा?
उत्तर: देह-अभिमान के कारण जब एक दो की खामियां देखते हैं तब रूहानी प्यार नहीं रहता। जब आत्म-अभिमानी बनते हैं, स्वयं की खामियां निकालने का फुरना रहता है, सतोप्रधान बनने का लक्ष्य रहता है, मीठे सुखदाई बनते तब आपस में बहुत प्यार रहता है। बाप की श्रीमत है - बच्चे किसी के भी अवगुण मत देखो। गुणवान बनने और बनाने का लक्ष्य रखो। सबसे जास्ती गुण एक बाप में है, बाप से गुण ग्रहण करते रहो और सब बातों को छोड़ दो तो प्यार से रह सकेंगे।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
1) बाप से ऐसा लॅव रखना है - जो एक बाप से ही सदा चिटके रहें। दिन रात बाप की ही महिमा करनी है। खुशी में गदगद होना है।
2) एक बाप की अव्यभिचारी याद में रह सतोप्रधान बनना है। कभी भी मिया मिट्ठू नहीं बनना है। बाप के समान मीठा बनना है।
वरदान: संगमयुग की हर घड़ी को उत्सव के रूप में मनाने वाले सदा उमंग-उत्साह सम्पन्न भव
कोई भी उत्सव, उमंग उत्साह के लिए मनाते हैं। आप ब्राह्मण बच्चों की जीवन ही उत्साह भरी जीवन है। जैसे इस शरीर में श्वांस है तो जीवन है ऐसे ब्राह्मण जीवन का श्वांस ही उमंग-उत्साह है इसलिए संगमयुग की हर घड़ी उत्सव है। लेकिन श्वांस की गति सदा एकरस, नार्मल होनी चाहिए। अगर श्वांस की गति बहुत तेज हो जाए या स्लो हो जाए तो यथार्थ जीवन नहीं कही जायेगी। तो चेक करो कि ब्राह्मण जीवन के उमंग-उत्साह की गति नार्मल अर्थात् एकरस है!
स्लोगन: सर्व शक्तियों के खजाने से सम्पन्न रहना-यही ब्राह्मण स्वरूप की विशेषता है।



Essence: Sweet children, you are all brothers and you have to live together with spiritual love. Become a bestowers of happiness and give everyone happiness. Become those who pick up virtues.
Question: What is the reason for not having spiritual love among you? How can there be spiritual love?
Answer: When there is body consciousness, you look at the weaknesses of one another, and so there isn’t spiritual love. When you become soul conscious and you have the concern to remove your weaknesses, when your aim is to become satopradhan and you become very sweet and a bestower of happiness, there is then a lot of love among you. The Father’s shrimat is: Children, don’t look at anyone’s weaknesses. Have the aim of becoming virtuous and making others virtuous. The one Father has the maximum virtues. Continue to pick up virtues from the Father, renounce everything else and you will be able to interact with love.

Essence for dharna:
1. Have such love for the Father that you always cling to the one Father. Day and night, only praise the Father. Bubble with happiness.
2. Stay in the unadulterated remembrance of the one Father and become satopradhan. Never consider yourself to be very clever. Become as sweet as the Father.

Blessing: May you constantly be filled with zeal and enthusiasm and celebrate every moment of the confluence age in the form of a festival.
Any festival is celebrated to create zeal and enthusiasm. The life of you Brahmin children is filled with enthusiasm. Just as there is life in your body while you are breathing, in the same way, the breath of Brahmin life is zeal and enthusiasm and this is why every moment of the confluence age is a festival. However, the speed of breathing should be constant and normal. If the speed of breathing is very fast or slow, it would not be said to be a normal life. So, check whether the speed of zeal and enthusiasm in your Brahmin life is normal, that is, whether it is constant.
Slogan: To remain full of the treasure of all powers is the speciality of the Brahmin form

Friday 7 September 2012


To consider oneself to be a server means to be humble. Each one is endowed with certain specialities and gifts. The one who is able to use these specialties for the benefit of others as a server, is able to make a contribution to better the lives of those around. But the one who only thinks of his specialities and a chance for expressing the specialities is not able to remain humble. All the specialties that we have are there for a purpose. The more we use it to benefit others, the more we are able to use them with humility. We are also able to gather the good wishes of those around us and further increase our specialities. We have no expectations from others but are able to give unconditionally, recognizing their need.

Monday 3 September 2012


To consider oneself a trustee is to use all treasures well. When there is the awareness of being a trustee of God, there is not only recognition but also good use of the internal treasures. These internal treasures are of virtues and specialities. All these are used wisely and well. Such a person is able to be loving and detached at the same time. When we have the consciousness of being a trustee, we are able to look within and get in touch with our own internal treasures. It gives us the consciousness of having respect for ourselves without developing any ego. We have no negative feelings when these treasures are not used or when situations demand more than what we feel we have